A Story of Strength: Lisa Bournelis’s Journey

In honour of World Mental Health Day, Tellwell author Lisa Bournelis shares her journey as the creator of Louie and the Dictator, a book delivering a powerful message about mental health. Inspired by her own child’s experience with OCD during the pandemic, Lisa crafted this story to support children facing anxiety, reminding them they’re the heroes of their own journeys. Her book offers a hopeful reminder that changing how we think can transform our lives.

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Tellwell Blog – Lisa Bournelis empowers children to be their own heroes while shining a light on mental health

Tellwell blog with author Lisa Bournelis

Lisa Bournelis is a mom, taekwondo black belt, healthcare change consultant, and former humanitarian aid worker. She has served all over the world, from Africa to the Balkans to Afghanistan. Inspired by her child’s experiences with OCD during the pandemic, she wanted to uplift children struggling with anxiety during this extraordinary time, by showing that they are the heroes of their own stories, and by sharing the hopeful message that adjustments to the way we think can transform our circumstances.

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Talking resilience and coping with children’s author and mental health advocate

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Spotlight Series

HartsLight Kids Read Aloud Storytime
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HartsLight Kids Read Aloud Storytime
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“Louie and the Dictator” is a 2025 International Impact Book Awards Winner for Children’s literature.

international impact book award winner

“Louie and the Dictator” was awarded an honourable mention in the category of special needs / disability awareness in 2022. The Purple Dragonfly Award is part of a prestigious international book award contest recognizing exceptional authors and excellence in writing in children’s literature.

I’m thrilled to share that “Louie and the Dictator” was selected among thousands of global entries as a Book Excellence Award finalist in the category of children’s inspirational / motivational!

Book Excellence Award Winner


reader's favorite reviews

Louie may have been many things but he certainly was not dumb. Louie was a highly intelligent young boy. However, there was a bully who constantly followed him at school, back home, and everywhere he went. Unlike most bullies, Louie’s bully could not be seen by anyone. Worst still, it was only Louie who could hear what his bully said. This was so hard for Louie, especially after he was threatened with harsh consequences if he did not do what the bully wanted. Louie’s parents decided to take Louie to a wizard to help him deal with the bully. Will the wizard see Louie’s bully and who exactly is the bully? Will he help Louie beat the bully? Find out more in Louie and the Dictator by Lisa Bournelis.

Lisa Bournelis does a great job creating awareness of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in her book Louie and the Dictator. This is a must-read for every kid, parent, and anyone battling OCD. Bournelis uses short and simple sentences to drive her storyline. Her choice of words served to enlighten me more about OCD. The plot of the story is relevant and perceivable. The characters are wonderfully developed, with each of their traits brought out well. I loved how the author uses introspection to highlight Louie’s struggles. This book made me understand what it feels like to live with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The good news for anyone with OCD is that you can overcome it and that is highlighted in this excellent piece of work.

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers’ Favorite

Kirkus Book Reviews

“The story will create awareness about mental health issues in children as it empowers its protagonist to change his own life.

A compassionate, tender and necessary read.”

Online Book Club Review

I would rate this book 4 out of 4 stars.

​There was nothing I didn’t like about this book. It is an excellent depiction of someone with OCD. The storytelling is also magnificent. It’s very informative, all the while written with creative themes that kids would surely love.​

I would recommend this book to kids suffering from OCD. I think they would find inspiration in how Louie coped with his struggles. I would also recommend this to children and adults who want to learn about OCD. This book would serve as a great introduction to learning about mental illness.

Indie Reader Book Reviews

“LOUIE AND THE DICTATOR is an impactful and heartwarming story about a boy learning to live with OCD during the COVID-19 pandemic that may empower younger readers to talk about their mental health, making it perfect for a bedtime read or group read-aloud session.”


reader's favorite reviews

Louie may have been many things but he certainly was not dumb. Louie was a highly intelligent young boy. However, there was a bully who constantly followed him at school, back home, and everywhere he went. Unlike most bullies, Louie’s bully could not be seen by anyone. Worst still, it was only Louie who could hear what his bully said. This was so hard for Louie, especially after he was threatened with harsh consequences if he did not do what the bully wanted. Louie’s parents decided to take Louie to a wizard to help him deal with the bully. Will the wizard see Louie’s bully and who exactly is the bully? Will he help Louie beat the bully? Find out more in Louie and the Dictator by Lisa Bournelis.

Lisa Bournelis does a great job creating awareness of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in her book Louie and the Dictator. This is a must-read for every kid, parent, and anyone battling OCD. Bournelis uses short and simple sentences to drive her storyline. Her choice of words served to enlighten me more about OCD. The plot of the story is relevant and perceivable. The characters are wonderfully developed, with each of their traits brought out well. I loved how the author uses introspection to highlight Louie’s struggles. This book made me understand what it feels like to live with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The good news for anyone with OCD is that you can overcome it and that is highlighted in this excellent piece of work.

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers’ Favorite

Kirkus Book Reviews

“The story will create awareness about mental health issues in children as it empowers its protagonist to change his own life.

A compassionate, tender and necessary read.”

Online Book Club Review

I would rate this book 4 out of 4 stars. ​

​There was nothing I didn’t like about this book. It is an excellent depiction of someone with OCD. The storytelling is also magnificent. It’s very informative, all the while written with creative themes that kids would surely love.​

I would recommend this book to kids suffering from OCD. I think they would find inspiration in how Louie coped with his struggles. I would also recommend this to children and adults who want to learn about OCD. This book would serve as a great introduction to learning about mental illness.​

Indie Reader Book Reviews

“LOUIE AND THE DICTATOR is an impactful and heartwarming story about a boy learning to live with OCD during the COVID-19 pandemic that may empower younger readers to talk about their mental health, making it perfect for a bedtime read or group read-aloud session.”

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author Lisa Bournelis head shot

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About the Author

Lisa Bournelis is a mom, taekwondo black belt, healthcare consultant, and former humanitarian aid worker. She has served all over the world, from Africa to the Balkans, to Afghanistan.

Inspired by her child’s experiences with OCD during the pandemic, she wanted to uplift children struggling with anxiety during this extraordinary time – by sharing a hopeful message that adjustments to the way we think can transform our circumstances.

A portion of the proceeds of the sale of this book will be donated to local pediatric OCD research and mental health programs